It would be curious to discover who it is to whom one writes in a diary. Possibly to some mysterious personification of one's own identity. -Beatrice Webb

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I am a Globe Retailer

Due to the terrible signal availability of Smart Telecomms at school, I had to switch to Globe. This time around, I got wise, and went with Prepaid package. I then thought it would be better to load up a Retailer Sim rather than the Standard Sim. For those who maybe confused, Retailer Sim is the Sim Card used by those selling loads.

How do you profit?
Well, it goes this way. You buy load at a discounted price (i.e. Php 880 for a Php 1000 Load Credit). Once you have sold the 1,000 worth of load, you earn yourself the discount (i.e. Php 120 in the last example).

Today, I got my first bonus. Php 300 worth of Free SMS. It is the reward for selling Php 3,500 worth of load within a month. Not bad. Php 300 saved is Php 300 earned. Besides, the 10%+ discount is reason enough to get the Retailer Sim.

Well, yeah. You can only load from certain authorized shops. That means you have to keep an eye on your balance. By the way, the eWallet for loading other people is different from your personal eWallet. So, you can have a personal load of Php 1 and be able to load someone a Php 100 if its available in the Retailer eWallet.

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